Collection of Stickers for use on Email & Facebook

Case Bulldozer Sticker

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For Use on Gmail or Outlook:

Click Copy to Gmail or Outlook button.

Use Ctrl-V to paste image to Gmail or Outlook text editor.

Paste the image to Gmail

For Use on Facebook:

Click Copy Image Address button.

Go to Facebook, when you write a new status or comment, click on camera icon

Click on Facebook camera icon

Paste the image link URL to the File name field and click Open.

Paste the image link URL to the File name field and click Open

Related Images:

Our team of graphic designers know how people like to share their statuses and transport stickers for Facebook is perfect for letting your friends know how you're getting to your destination. Use transport stickers in your SMS messages and let a friend or loved one know that you're going over to see them on the train and make them feel happy. Transport stickers look great in a signature if you work in the car industry or as an air hostess or train worker.

How It Works?

Step 1: Browse thousand of free stickers by selecting categories. - Step 2: Pick sticker you like, then click Copy To Clipboard button. - Step 3: Insert cursor to email textbox editor, then press Ctrl-V (or Command-V if you're using Mac) - Make sure you enable WYSIWYG/Rich text format editor.

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